Séminaire C2 du vendredi 17 décembre à Rennes – Reporté cause COVID

Le prochain séminaire C2 se tiendra en présentiel le vendredi 17 décembre 2021 à l’université de Rennes 1 dans l’amphithéâtre Métivier de l’IRISA sur le campus de Beaulieu

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Le programme est le suivant

  • 9h30, Aurore Guillevic, Inria Nancy and Aarhus University – Elliptic curves for z-SNARKs

Joint work with Youssef El Housni, Consensys, Inria Saclay, ÉcolePolytechnique, and Diego Aranha, Aarhus University

Résumé : SNARK stands for Succinct Non-interactive ARgument of Knowledge and is a powerful tool in blockchains and cryptocurrencies. The most efficient at the moment is Groth’16 preprocessing SNARK, implemented with a pairing-friendly elliptic curve with a subgroup of prime order q of 255 bits (the BLS12-381 curve). It provides a zero-knowledge proof of an arithmetic circuit that performs arithmetic operations modulo q.

For a recursive SNARK, one applies again the strategy of arithmetisation and proof: a compiler produces an arithmetic circuit that performs some cryptographic computation (in Groth’16: computing pairings and checking an equation). This second circuit deals with arithmetic operations not modulo q but modulo p, the field of definition of the first curve. A second pairing-friendly elliptic curve is required, whose order should be this prime p: this is a chain of elliptic curves.

To achieve a recursive SNARK, and recursively prove proofs (a.k.a. bootstrapping proofs), in 2014, Ben-Sasson, Chiesa, Tromer, and Virza introduced a cycle of pairing-friendly curves: an MNT curve of prime
order q defined over a field GF(p), and a second MNT curve of prime order p defined over the prime field GF(q). That is, the field of definition of each curve is the order of the other curve. However, generating such curves takes a large computational effort: [BCTV14] spanned all curve discriminants up to 10^15 in 610 000 core-hours on a cluster to obtain two cycles: one of 298 bits, and a second one of 753 bits. Moreover, the pairing takes its values in a quartic extension for the first curve (1192 and 3012 bits respectively), which does not provide 128 bits of security anymore because of the TNFS algorithm computing discrete logarithms in extension fields (De Micheli et al. at Asiacrypt’21 present the first implementation). While a cycle of pairing-friendly curves is optimal for a recursive SNARK construction, it is very slow because of the many constraints on the curves. To date, no other cycle of pairing-friendly curves is known.

To circumvent the slowness of such cycles, one can instead use a chain of curves: the second (outer) curve has a subgroup of prime order being the field of definition of the first (inner) curve. Such a construction is much easier, and more pairing-friendly curves are possible. We generalise these constructions to families of SNARK-friendly 2-chains of pairing-friendly elliptic curves and compare their efficiency.

Finally, other cycles, half-cycles or chains of curves arise in variants of zero-knowledge proofs: cycles of non-pairing friendly curves such as Pallas-Vesta, half-pairing-friendly cycles such as Pluto-Eris. If time allows it, an overview of these alternative curves will be given.

  • 10h45, Alexandre Wallet, Univ Rennes, CNRS, IRISA –   Vers le déploiement des schémas « Hash-and-sign » basés sur les réseaux Euclidiens

Résumé : La compétition de standardisation post-quantique du NIST arrive bientôt à sa fin. Parmi les trois finalistes principaux retenus pour les signatures numériques, on retrouve la proposition Falcon. Ce schéma correspond à une instanciation efficace du paradigme « GPV » (Gentry-Peikert-Vaikunthanatan), permettant de proposer des schémas de signatures numériques reposant sur la difficulté de problèmes de réseaux euclidiens structurés. En terme de vitesse et particulièrement de bande passante, Falcon semble surclasser ses concurrents directs. Cependant, le schéma souffre de limites conceptuelles pouvant freiner son utilisation dans différents scénarios : 1) les jeux de paramètres sont très restreints ; 2) implémenter le schéma est un exercice délicat ; 3) protéger l’implémentation, au moins vis-à-vis des « timing attacks »,
impacte sérieusement les performances du schéma (en plus d’être, là encore, techniquement exigeant).Dans cet exposé, je décrirai plus en détails les briques limitantes du schéma, principalement liées à l’échantillonnage de vecteurs Gaussiens dans des réseaux euclidiens. En effet, dans le cas de Falcon, c’est cette étape algorithmique qui décide de la sécurité théorique et concrète du schéma, mais c’est aussi une source de fuites du point de vue des attaques par canaux auxiliaires. Je présenterai ensuite Mitaka, une proposition alternative suivant le design de Falcon, permettant de s’affranchir des écueils précédents. Ainsi, notre schéma Mitaka est 1) conceptuellement plus simple, et instanciable via de grandes familles de paramètres ; 2) sensiblement plus rapide pour une sécurité et une consommation de bande passante équivalente ; 3) peut être masqué à un ordre arbitraire pour un coût modeste et avec des techniques standards. Enfin, il est possible d’implémenter Mitaka sans avoir recourt à de l’arithmétique en virgule flottante.

L’exposé sera inspiré de plusieurs travaux en collaboration avec T. Espitau, P.A. Fouque, F. Gérard, P. Kirchner, M. Rossi, A. Takahashi, M. Tibouchi et Y. Yu.

  • 14h00 : Clara Pernot, INRIA Paris, New Representations of the AES Key Schedule

Résumé : In this talk we present a new representation of the AES key schedule, with some implications to the security of AES-based schemes. In particular, we show that the AES-128 key schedule can be split into four independent parallel computations operating on 32 bits chunks, up to linear transformation. Surprisingly, this property has not been described in the literature after more than 20 years of analysis of AES. We show two consequences of our new representation, improving previous cryptanalysis results of AES-based schemes. First, we observe that iterating an odd number of key schedule rounds results in a function with short cycles. This explains an observation of Khairallah on mixFeed, a second-round candidate in the NIST lightweight competition. Our analysis actually shows that his forgery attack on mixFeed succeeds with probability 0.44 (with data complexity 220GB), breaking the scheme in practice. The same observation also leads to a novel attack on ALE, another AES-based AEAD scheme.

Our new representation also gives efficient ways to combine information from the first subkeys and information from the last subkeys, in order to reconstruct the corresponding master keys. In particular we improve previous impossible differential attacks against AES-128.This is a joint work with Gaëtan Leurent.

  • 15h15 : Victor Mollimard,  Univ Rennes, CNRS, IRISA – Efficient Methods to Search for Best Differential Characteristics on SKINNY

Résumé : Evaluating resistance of ciphers against differential cryptanalysis is essential to define the number of rounds of new designs and to mount attacks derived from differential cryptanalysis. In this paper, we propose automatic tools to find the best differential characteristics on the SKINNY block cipher. As usually done in the literature, we split this search in two stages denoted by Step 1 and Step 2. In Step 1, we aim at finding all truncated differential characteristics with a low enough number of active Sboxes. Then, in Step 2, we try to instantiate each difference value while maximizing the overall differential characteristic probability. We solve Step 1 using an ad-hoc method inspired from the work of Fouque et al. whereas Step 2 is modelized for the Choco-solver library as it seems to outperform all previous methods on this stage. Notably, for SKINNY-128 in the SK model and for 13 rounds, we retrieve the results of Abdelkhalek et al. within a few seconds (to compare with 16 days) and we provide, for the first time, the best differential related-tweakey characteristics up to 14 rounds for the TK1 model. Regarding the TK2 and the TK3 models, we were not able to test all the solutions Step 1, and thus the differential characteristics we found up to 16 and 17 rounds are not necessarily optimal.