Séminaire C2 du vendredi 15 octobre 2021

Le prochain séminaire C2 se tiendra en présentiel le vendredi 15 octobre 2021 à l’INRIA Paris, 2 rue Simone Iff, Paris 12.

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Le programme est le suivant

  • 10h00, Katharina Boudgoust, IRISA, Université Rennes 1, Hardness of Module Learning With Errors With Small Secrets

Résumé: This talk focuses on the module variant of the Learning With Errors problem (Module-LWE), a fundamental computational problem used in lattice-based cryptography nowadays. To highlight its importance for practical schemes, note that several finalists of the NIST standardization project rely on the hardness of Module-LWE, e.g., the signature scheme Dilithium and the key encapsulation mechanism Kyber.

More concretely, in this talk we consider Module-LWE, where the underlying secret is of small norm. Whereas several works prove the hardness of unstructured LWE with short secrets, only few was known for the module case. In this presentation I summarize our results that previously appeared at Asiacrypt 2020 and CT-RSA 2021, where we investigate the hardness of Module-LWE when the secret has coefficients in the set {0,1}, also called binary Module-LWE. Furthermore, I show that both results naturally generalize to secrets with bounded coefficients. The talk concludes with some interesting open questions related to the hardness of Module-LWE with non-uniform secrets.

This is a joint work with Corentin Jeuy, Adeline Roux-Langlois and Weiqiang Wen.

  • 11h15, Magali Bardet, LITIS, Université de Rouen Normandie, Algebraic cryptanalysis of problems in code-based cryptography and applications

Abstract: Rank-metric code-based cryptography relies on the hardness of decoding a random linear code in the rank metric. This fundamental problem is called the Minrank problem, and is ubiquitous in rank metric (or even Hamming metric) code based cryptography as well as in multivariate cryptography. For structured instances arising in the former, their security rely on a more specific problem, namely the Rank Syndrome Decoding problem. There is also a generalization called the Rank Support Learning problem, where the attacker has access to several syndromes corresponding to errors with the same support. Those problems have various applications in code-based and multivariate cryptography (KEM and signature schemes), and a precise understanding of the complexity of solving them can help designers to create secure parameters.

In this talk, I will present the three problems and their relations to cryptographic schemes, their algebraic modeling and the recent improvements in the understanding of the complexity of solving those systems using algebraic techniques like Gröbner bases computations.

Joint works with Pierre Briaud, Maxime Bros, Daniel Cabarcas, Philippe Gaborit, Vincent Neiger, Ray Perlner, Olivier Ruatta, Daniel Smith-Tone, Jean-Pierre Tillich and Javier Verbel.

  • 13h45 : Antonin Leroux, Grace, LIX et INRIA Saclay–Île-de-France, Séta: Supersingular Encryption from Torsion Attacks

Résumé : We present Séta, a new family of public-key encryption schemes with post-quantum security based on isogenies of supersingular elliptic curves. It is constructed from a new family of trapdoor one-way functions, where the inversion algorithm uses Petit’s so called torsion attacks on SIDH to compute an isogeny between supersingular elliptic curves given an endomorphism of the starting curve and images of torsion points. We prove the OW-CPA security of S´eta and present an IND-CCA
variant using the post-quantum OAEP transformation. Several variants for key generation are explored together with their impact on the selection of parameters, such as the base prime of the scheme. We furthermore formalise an “uber” isogeny assumption framework which aims to generalize computational isogeny problems encountered in schemes including SIDH, CSDIH, OSIDH and ours. Finally, we carefully select parameters to achieve a balance between security and run-times and present experimental results from our implementation

  • 15h00 : Chloé Hébant, Cascade, ENS et INRIA Paris  Traceable Constant-Size Multi-Authority Credentials,

Abstract: Many attribute-based anonymous credential (ABC) schemes have been proposed allowing a user to prove the possession of some attributes, anonymously. They became more and more practical with, for the most recent papers, a constant-size credential to show a subset of attributes issued by a unique credential issuer. However, proving possession of attributes coming from K different credential issuers usually requires K independent credentials to be shown. Only attribute-based credential schemes from aggregatable signatures can overcome this issue.

In this paper, we propose new ABC schemes from aggregatable signatures with randomizable tags. We consider malicious credential issuers, with adaptive corruptions and collusions with malicious users. Whereas our constructions only support selective disclosures of attributes, to remain compact, our approach significantly improves the complexity in both time and memory of the showing of multiple attributes: for the first time, the cost for the prover is (almost) independent of the number of attributes and the number of credential issuers.

Whereas anonymous credentials require privacy of the user, we propose the first schemes allowing traceability.

We formally define an aggregatable signature scheme with (traceable) randomizable tags, which is of independent interest. We build concrete schemes from the recent linearly homomorphic signature scheme of PKC 20. As all the recent ABC schemes, our construction relies on signatures which unforgeability is proven in the bilinear generic group model.